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Conditions to any marriage in Quebec

Conditions to any marriage in Quebec. Planning to be getting married in Montreal or elsewhere in the province of Quebec? There are some conditions to fulfill for a wedding in Quebec. What are those necessary conditions for a marriage in the province of Quebec?


Two people

In Canada, marriage is possible between two people. Since July 20, 2005, same-sex couples can marry in Canada.

Being at least 16 years old

Legal age is 18 years old in Quebec. But the minimum age for getting married in Quebec is sixteen. 16- and 17-year-olds must obtain the court’s permission to marry.


Being “free” of matrimonial ties

The future spouses must be free of any matrimonial ties. They must be one of the following:  single, divorced or widowed. They can also get married if they have obtained an annulment of a previous marriage. In clear, you cannot be still married to another person.

Spouses who are in a civil union at the time of marriage do not have to break their civil union. A marriage automatically ends the civil union.


Family ties

Marriage is forbidden between close relatives with whom you have the following relationship: sibling (brother or sister), half-brother or half-sister, parent or child. This is true whether the relationship is biological or through adoption. However, it is legal to marry certain people in your family, such as a cousin or someone who is your in-law, such as your former mother-in-law.


Freely given and informed Consent

The future spouses must be able to give free and informed consent to the marriage. Thus, a person deprived of discernment because of an illness or a person declared “in incapacity” cannot marry because he or she is not able to consent and understand all the implications.

First, consent must be freely given. Thus, a person must not be forced to marry, either by the future spouse or by any other person (like for example: their mother or father).

Second, consent must be informed. Thus, a person must not be misled. Thinking for example that his/her partner is widowed when it is not the case.


Be present at your wedding.

Whatever your situation, you must be present at your marriage ceremony. Proxy marriages are prohibited in Québec. This means that you cannot give a close friend or relative a mandate to act in your place at the marriage ceremony. As a result, you are the only person who, at the ceremony, can: consent to the marriage, and when asked by the officiant, sign the declaration of marriage.

Conditions to any marriage in Quebec. Note that law does not require that future spouses be residents of Quebec to get married.

For all those reasons, the officiant is required to verify your identity. You will have to provide the proper documentation in order to fulfill the wedding conditions.

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