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Since the basic rule governing the celebration of a marriage or civil union in Quebec requires that the ceremony be open to the public and carried out in front of a competent celebrant, in the presence of two witnesses, many couples are looking for a list of authorized civil wedding officiants in Quebec. There is no definitive list, but they can consult the Registre des célébrants, managed by the Directeur de l’état civil du Québec. This register does not provide a complete list of officiants, but allows you to verify the authorization of an officiant to celebrate a civil wedding or civil union on a specific date.
How to find a competent and authorized wedding officiant to celebrate a civil marriage in Quebec – Who are the authorized celebrants/officiants?
Before celebrating a marriage or civil union in Quebec, the celebrant must hold a valid authorization (authorization number) and ensure that their authorization will still be valid on the day of the celebration and valid for the intended location of the ceremony. Ministers of religion, clerks or deputy clerks of the Superior Court, mayors, members of a municipal or borough council, or municipal officials, designated celebrants, can celebrate marriages, but only by respecting certain conditions of authorization, places and days of celebration.
Notaries can celebrate anywhere in Quebec, anytime, as long as they are validly registered on the roll of the Chambre des notaires du Québec and can receive notarial deeds en minute..
The validity of an authorization to officiate a marriage or civil union can be verified from the online service Register of Officiants at the following address: www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca.
Therefore, a person may have been qualified to officiate a civil marriage or civil union in the past but is no longer able to do so now because they no longer hold the position that gave them the capacity to be an authorized officiant.
How to create a list of potential officiants/celebrants
To create a list of potential celebrants in the Montreal area, you can use search engines and blog articles. You can also consult marriage and civil union publications published on the Directeur de l’état civil’s website. The registry can be consulted to build a preliminary database. Alternatively, you can use the Quebec Chamber of Notaries’ search tool if you have chosen a notary as the celebrant for your civil marriage.
For other regions of Quebec, the same process can be followed to create a list of celebrants in each of the province’s 16 administrative regions.
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