Civil Marriage or Civil Union – What Are The Rights And The Obligations of The Conjoined in Quebec civil-marriage-1.jpg

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Civil Marriage – Civil Union – Rights And Obligations in Quebec – Couples that decide in favor of civil marriage or civil union should pay attention to and be aware of the seriousness of their commitment. Civil marriage and marriage officiating must respect a series of rules  in order to benefit from the protection offered by law to married couples and the conjoined  can opt for civil marriage with or without a marriage contract. When taking this decision, couples chose to stay together through better or worse.

Therefore, every aspect of their future life is important: emotional, family aspects, but also legal aspects.

Marriage or civil union is an institution that allows couples, whether they are different or same sex, to live together and to respect the rights and obligations of the union.

After the ceremony which can take place before a marriage officiating notary, each of the partners can keep their own last name.  Before April 2 1981, wives used their husband’s names. Those who find themselves in this situation may continue to use it to this day.

Marriage or civil union determines certain responsibilities. The conjoined have towards each other the following obligations:

  • Fidelity
  • Respect
  • Mutual help
  • Support

Important decisions will be taken by mutual agreement. For example, they will decide together where to live. At the same residence or in different houses, but they must share common goals and interests. They also have the duty to decide how to raise their children and to offer them, together, whatever they need.

This isn’t limited to financial contributions. The contribution of each of the conjoined can manifest in multiple ways, such as taking care of the children or performing domestic duties. It is important for the couple united through marriage or civil union to become a family and have a good relationship.

When taking daily decisions, it is natural that each of the conjoined should have the other’s approval. This assumption is supposed to facilitate their actions. This way, they don’t have to wait and consult with their partner.

If the union ends, the family patrimony will be divided. The conjoined have the right to receive an amount for their contribution to the family patrimony. It is preferable to request the services of a notary, in order to receive the best advice and make a clear decision.

Contact Mtre Leopold Lincà notary in Montreal and civil wedding officiant to help you!


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