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Wedding / marriage in Montreal, Quebec during COVID-19. The Registrar of Civil Status of Quebec reminds that the rules relating to the celebration of civil marriages and civil unions as well as the publication of notices of marriage or civil union have not been modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please note that the celebrant, the two spouses and the two witnesses must be present during the ceremony. Consequently, marriages and civil unions cannot be celebrated in videoconference mode. For more information, see http://www.etatcivil.gouv.qc.ca/en/news.html
Getting married during the Covid-19 pandemic in Montreal, Quebec
The impact of COVID-19 on your marriage in Montreal, Quebec. Among the measures taken in Quebec in March 2020 to counter the COVID-19 pandemic were significant constraints on public gatherings. The celebration of a marriage in Quebec has become, overnight, much more complex than usual. In Quebec, in 2020 there was a significant drop in civil marriages or civil unions compared to the average for 2010 to 2019, according to data from the Institut de la statistique du Quebec.
How to get married in Montreal, Quebec, during the COVID-19 pandemic? Although it is possible to get married or civilly united by being limited to spouses, two witnesses and the celebrant, most couples who planned to get married in 2020 have postponed the formalization of their union until 2021 or even later. This is confirmed by a lot of couples and professionals in the marriage business, as well as many wedding service providers in Quebec (entertainers / DJs, photographers, caterers, reception hall owners, florists, wedding dress shops, etc.).
Coronavirus and civil marriage in Montreal, Quebec. As forecasts, will 2021 see an increase in marriages in Quebec due to postponed ceremonies which will be added to those already planned? Will some couples suspend or cancel their marriage plan in Quebec forever? It depends on the duration of the pandemic, the general economic situation as well as the ability of the wedding industry in Quebec to meet customer demands.
Civil marriage celebration in Montreal, Quebec during the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Celebration wedding / marriage in Montreal, Quebec during COVID-19. The coronavirus in Quebec. Obviously, Quebecers have already gotten married in times of pandemic or war. Have your civil marriage celebrated by Me Leopold Lincà, notary in Montreal, civil marriage officiant in Montreal, who can help you with the celebration of your civil marriage, while respecting the health instructions of the Department of Public Health, all laws and regulations in force during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic (social distancing, wearing of masks, disinfection of premises and office furniture, etc.).
According to the professionals in the marriage business and the religious, legal and socio-cultural world (notaries, priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, specialists in socio-religious history, teachers of the human science, etc.), it is not desirable to delay planned marriages too much, because several complications can occur. Some religious beliefs, for example, requiring abstention from premarital sex or otherwise, outlawed marriage during Lent and Advent, except “marriage necessary”. Several joint life projects (buying a house, moving together, the birth of a child, etc.) also end up on the ice by a prolonged postponement of marriage.
Exceptions for the celebration of a religious marriage are provided for by the decree published on September 30, 2020, which allows up to 25 people to gather in a place of worship, in the red zone, respecting the rules of social distancing. It should be noted that the Ministry of Health and Social Services strongly recommends, if possible, to postpone the celebration of a marriage in Quebec in order to minimize the risk of spread.
A very important question regarding civil weddings in Montreal, Quebec – can they take place? The answer is yes. It is possible to celebrate a marriage in Quebec in a courthouse or in a notarial office, even in regions under maximum alert, in the red zone. The rules for holding courthouse hearings also apply to weddings held there. Obviously, all the instructions of the Public Health Department, all the laws and regulations in force must also be strictly observed by notaries who celebrate a marriage in Montreal, Quebec or a civil union during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hoping that the future will be better than the pandemic will be overcome soon and that life will resume its normal course, protect yourself, protect others, and happy marriages for those who decide to unite during this time!
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